Act – quickly and effectively!

Nevalis is an entre­preneur-led strategy consul­tancy firm, focused on commo­dities, technology, it & telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions as well as on the supply of equipment and components to these indus­tries. The USP of Nevalis is that all partner members of the lead team are independent Entre­pre­neurs. We have built knowledge and skills, and have success­fully completed inter­na­tional projects, with clients not only in Germany, but also throughout Europe (Switz­erland, Austria, Finland, Spain, Ukraine, Central-Europe and UK) and worldwide.

Our clients are comprised in parti­cular big medium-sized businesses in the field’s commodity trading, technology, IT & telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions etc. addition our network works for the advisors of these indus­tries (e.g. trading firms, banks, law-firms and investors). Due to the radically changed market situation due to the unlawful war in Ukraine, we are working speci­fi­cally with our specia­lists on solutions for the procu­rement of critical materials.

We take action!

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