Specialty: Climate protection consulting

Nevalis accom­panies you as a customer with economic and technical expertise through the entire value chain, from the develo­pment through the imple­men­tation of the climate protection project to the utiliz­ation of emission allowances.

Our clients include well-known companies, investors and project companies. We work inter­na­tio­nally (Western and Central Europe, Africa, Latin America).

Our consul­tants are trained specia­lists – business econo­mists and environ­mental engineers – who cover all areas of project processing (appli­ca­tions, documen­tation, project imple­men­tation for Joint Imple­men­tation and Clean Develo­pment Mechanism). Our environ­mental engineers have many years of experience in many areas of pollutant and emission control and are inter­na­tio­nally recognized.

Climate protection projects reduce harmful emissions and combat climate change, protect the environment and create jobs. Technology transfer promotes sustainable develo­pment in the so-called developing countries.

The emissions market is highly complex and presents numerous risks – econo­mi­cally, legally and politi­cally. We navigate our customers safely through all shoals and create long-term value growth.

Our customers are as diverse as our perfor­mance portfolio. Our customer list includes project founders, investors, owners and operators of climate protection projects, who want to increase the profi­ta­bility of their climate protection projects. We create value for our customers. The success of our customers is the basis of our own success!

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